Rube Goldberg's 141st Birthday Party

73 Raspberry Rd, Elma, WA 98541
6 July 2024 - 1pm to ???

So far . . .

19 people say they are coming to this party. Several people are bringing a meatless side dish to share.
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This July 6th . . .
Come celebrate the life of a true American original!

Hey, Friends . . . two years ago, we invited you to ditch the jingoism and join us on July 4th for a different kind of party, and it has been so much fun that we’re doing it again!  Check out highlights from previous years here and here.

Once again, we celebrate the life and legacy of American humorist Rube Goldberg (b. July 4, 1883) with a party and contest!  This time, we observe his 141st birthday on the weekend after (Saturday, July 6th), so everyone can stay up as late at they want!

Bring your own Rube Goldberg machine, build one here, or just kick back and enjoy the scene at our beautiful rural refuge. This year, we’ll also have a Silly Sketch Exposition for people to show off their own wacky machine designs, so dream it, draw it, and bring your own machine blueprint!  Want to join in but don’t know how to get started?  Try this year’s Newbie Challenge!

Do come see us!
We’d love to see you!


Please note that this is a private party, not open to the public. 
Attendance is by personal invitation only.

Bookings no longer allowed on this date.