Newbie Challenge

Looking for some inspiration?  Need an idea to help you get started?  Try this challenge:

Create a Rube Goldberg machine that puts a letter into an envelope, in at least 3 steps.

You MUST use the following items in your machine:

  • A rubber band
  • A paper clip
  • String or twine
  • A pencil or dowel rod

That’s it!  That’s all you have to do.  Anything more is a bonus!

Alternatively, just make a machine that puts any one thing inside any other thing.

Don’t overthink this. Really, just take anything (a ball, napkin, action figure, etc.) and put it into something else (could be a box, a cup, a wastebasket, an envelope–or perhaps something even more clever than that!) Use a simple mechanical contraption to do so.

Bring whatever you come up with to the party and show it off!

Don’t you want to see what other people come up with? I sure do . . . .
Why not give it a go?